الجمعة، 28 أكتوبر 2016

The PSOE shaping the output of the PSC of its governing bodies

The relationship between the PSOE and the PSC is destined to change. Indiscipline that will take place this Saturday at the Congress seven Catalan Socialists during the investiture of Mariano Rajoy, which retain their rejection while most of the parliamentary group will abstain, it will cause the review of the links between the two organizations, according to sources the manager of the PSOE. In the PSC, meanwhile, they say they are open to new formulas, but claim that take into account the political context in Catalonia, where the PP leader is perceived as "the main culprit that no dialogue."

The model, explained in the body piloting the Socialists since the departure of Pedro Sanchez, bypasses the severance of ties. The PSC will continue to represent the PSOE in Catalonia and the PSOE represent the PSC in the rest of Spain, but the Catalan Socialists no longer be part of the PSOE government agencies: executive, federal committee and Congress.

"So far had many rights, but did not want to fulfill their obligations. You can not go on like this," said a leader of the manager, referring to what happened in the federal committee last Sunday, which was approved by 139 votes in favor and 96 against, abstention traumatic investiture. About 20 representatives of the PSC in the agency participated in the meeting, but the party did not feel concerned by the result. His first secretary Miquel Iceta, convened a national council (equivalent to federal committee) in maintaining the rejection of continuity in the Moncloa PP leader came forward Tuesday by 241 votes in favor and one abstention. Iceta warned: "Perhaps now from the PSOE review of relations will be asked" a protocol established in 1978.


Not only it is requested, but the decision is very profiled. With his departure from the organs of the PSOE, the PSC would lose power (could no longer lead the PSOE, as he was about to accomplish in 2012 Carme Chacon), but would gain autonomy. "We want a peaceful and consensual review" they say in the management. Catalan militant socialism, clarify the sources, yes they could participate in the PSOE primaries to choose the candidate for Moncloa, because it also represents the PSC.

This scheme is defended by a majority of the PSOE: among others, the president of the manager, Javier Fernandez, and Susana Diaz, president of Andalusia. Some people ask to go further, as Guillermo Fernandez Vara Extremadura, the Castilian-Manchego Emiliano García-Page and what remains of the 'guerrismo' coming to raise the recovery of the Catalan Federation of the PSOE. On 10 October, it was presented in Barcelona a manifesto claiming that step. They attended the event about 70 people.


The Management believes that the protocol between the PSOE and the PSC remains in force, but it will no longer be when the contempt occurs in the investiture of Rajoy, gesture that could also incur, individually, a dozen members of the PSOE including Sanchez himself. Sources in the direction of the Catalan Socialists, however, point out that the framework of relations must be maintained until the next congress of the PSOE, which will take place next year, because it is part of their statutes and these can only be modified in a conclave. But neither want to enter "regulatory disquisitions". The important thing, they insist, is the "political debate".

"This is more in their hands than in ours they say in the environment Iceta-. You can review the relationship, but must take into account the context in Catalunya. How can we defend you have to be in Spain if we can not be in the PSOE? you have to weigh the consequences before a year in which the independence movement has already said he will call a referendum. that seems impossible federalism would be the best gift for the separatists ".

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