الأحد، 27 مارس 2016

Travel with family

The long working hours, responsibilities and daily routine hinder find time to spend with family. The timing of the holiday becomes an ideal opportunity to strengthen family ties and enjoy children.
Family trip is an excellent opportunity to explore the fascinating world around us while enjoying quality time. It is certainly an enriching opportunity offered learning experiences for the whole family. If you want to travel with your family, and do not know what type of travel destination or perform, let us help you plan your trip with ideas and suggestions for itineraries that we have developed, designed so you can enjoy a special holiday.
We offer different possibilities, bringing together a number of advantages and offering all kinds of activities for family fun. It is about living experiences with people from other cultures, eating other foods, learn and more importantly, spend more time with your children.
Family vacation is to be together, have fun, make some quality time and sharing is the priority, no matter if you are in a 4 x4 in the African savannah, riding in a buggy by a Brazilian beach, walking through the jungle of Costa Rica, enjoying the cosmopolitan culture of cities or even the sun and a magnificent beach activities.
Start traveling with them since they are small will make them citizens of the world, growing in valuing diversity and sometimes even what they have, learning from other cultures and ways of life.

Human Development

The first Human Development Report, published in 1990, started with a simple premise that has guided all subsequent Reports: “The true wealth of a nation is its people”. Corroborating this armación with an accumulation of empirical data and a new way of thinking about and measuring development, the report has had a profound impact on development policies worldwide.
“The main objective of development is to enlarge people’s choices. In principle, these choices can be infinite and change over time. People often value achievements that do not show, or at least not immediately, in the growth figures or income: greater access to knowledge, better nutrition and health, livelihoods safer, protection against crime and physical violence, an adequate amount of free time, political and cultural freedoms and a sense of participation in community activities. The objective of development is to create an enabling environment for people to enjoy long, healthy and creative life “environment. – Creator of the Human Development Report
“” Human development, as an approach, deals with what I consider the basic development idea: namely, the increasing wealth of human life rather than the richness of the economy in which human beings live, which it’s just a part of life itself. “- Amartya Sen, Professor of Economics, Harvard University, Nobel Laureate in Economics, 1998
“That was the original vision and remains the main contribution of the authors of the first Human Development Report, Mahbub ul-Haq of Pakistan and his friend and close collaborator, Amartya Sen of India, along with other leading development thinkers. His concept has guided not only the writing of this report for 20 years, but more than 600 National Human Development reports reports from local investigations and published by their respective countries as well as the many provocative regionally focused reports supported by the regional offices of UNDP. ”
“But perhaps most important it is that this vision of human development has had a profound impact on a generation of officials responsible for the development of public policies and development experts, including many members of UNDP itself and other United Nations agencies You together. ” – Helen Clark, Administrator, United Nations Development Programme
In the past two decades, human development has made considerable progress in many aspects. Most people today enjoy a longer and healthier life and can access more years of education, as well as a wide range of goods and services. Even in countries facing adverse economic conditions, overall health and education have greatly improved. Advances are observed not only in health, education and income, but also on the ability of people to choose their leaders, influence public decisions and share knowledge. New vulnerabilities require the implementation of innovative public policies to combat the risks and inequalities and ensure that the dynamic market forces benefit all ..
The human development approach is as relevant as ever to understand the fast-paced world in which we live and find new ways to improve the welfare of people. In fact, human development is not a set of precepts fixed and static, but an evolving concept, whose analytical tools adapt to changes occurring in the world. Finally, this approach insists on maintaining deliberation and debate and on leaving the door open to discussion. They are the people who, individually or in groups, shape these processes. The human development paradigm is applicable to all countries, rich and poor, and to all human beings. It is sufficiently flexible, robust and vibrant to provide a model for the next century.


So we must go back to meet Greek etymological origin of the electronic word. Specifically, we can determine that comes from the union of two distinct lexical parts: elektron which translates as “amber” and the suffix -iko comes to mean “on”.
It is known as electronic analysis of the electrons and the application of its principles in different contexts. It can be said, therefore, that the notion of electronic means which is linked to the electron, which is one of the basic particles of atoms.
Engineering and physics responsible for the development and analysis of those created from the movement and control of electrons having charge of electricity systems.
Called electronic circuits enable the conversion and distribution of electric power, so can be used in processing and control information. In general terms it can be said that an electronic system consists of sensors (which are also known as inputs or transducers) receiving physical signals and transform them into current signals (voltage). The system circuits interpreted and converted, in turn, the sensor signals arriving to the actuators (outputs), which convert again the voltage on physical, now useful signals.
Electronic signals, moreover, can be divided into two groups: analog (whose number of values ​​is finite) or digital (working with finite values).
The term in question is also important to stress that has led to the birth of a new kind of art. More precisely we are referring to the popular electronic music which is so called because it is based on the use of electronic instruments and technology.
Electronic music, understood as a popular genre, we can determine that made an appearance in the 70s thanks to training as in the case of the Californian group The Residents who continues to play an important role in this artistic sector thanks to its more than forty recordings.
From those closest to the population walk origins, this music has evolved to give rise to a more specific genre that is electronic dance music. This is one that is made to be heard and danced mainly in night clubs and entertainment with similar characteristics.
The DJs are professionals responsible for making and “click” these songs that experienced tremendous growth especially in the 90s Among the famous figures within this kind of music we should mention Bob Sinclair, David Guetta, The Chemical Brothers, Metro Station, Moby and Paul Van Dyck.
The notion of consumer electronics is used to name all those electrical equipment used daily in the home or in the workplace. A television, a DVD player, a phone and a computer are examples of products of consumer electronics, which allow develop a billion dollar industry.